Tongue Twisters
Are nothing but a group of words (either complicated or difficult to pronounce at that particular point of time), which are exclusively meant for practicing the pronunciation and to gain fluency in the language. It should also be noted that, the tongue twisters are neither grammatically correct nor meaningful.It's just a tool to practice proper pronunciation and to get fluency in the language. The difficulty in pronouncing words differs from person to person. One may find difficult to pronounce F FA FI PA P sounds.Another may find difficulty in L LA RA R RU RO sounds. Keeping it in mind, the following tongue twisters are designed and well tested on more than 40 students from different background.One can improve his/her pronunciation and fluency, by practicing the following tongue twister
With the help of this exercise i could improve my pronuciacion
with wordsthat are more difficult to pronounce for me As for
example the words in the past tense. Each time you memorizeda tongue twisters i improved my pronunciation . is the best thing we
can do to talk without interruptions
Hi, friend well I think is important to practie the tongue twisters in order to improve our speaking language in the correct way and know more words to include in our vocabulary.... good blog I like that..